The object model

To access and manipulate your normalized state redux-db provides you with a simple “Object-relational mapping” (ORM).


Your schema definition must be provided to a Database class instance:

import { createDatabase } from "redux-db";

const schema = {

export const db = createDatabase( schema, /*options*/ );


redux-db uses the concept of a session where each “table” is wrapped in a TableModel class. The TableModel class helps to query and perform CRUD operations easily.

To begin a new session and perform some action:

import { db } from "./schema";

const session = db.createSession(state /* not defined here */);

// your TableModels are properties in the session "tables" object.
const { BlogPost, Comment, User } = session.tables;

// the "get" method retrives a RecordModel by it's primary key.
// the "update" method allows for partial updates of record data.
BlogPost.get("post1").update({ body: "new text" });

// commit the session
const newState = session.commit();


The Table class provides several methods and properties for accessing the table records. Each method will return table rows wrapped in a RecordModel class.

Methods and propertes:

/// gets the number of records in the table.
length : number;

/// gets all raw record values
/// equivalent to all().map( r => r.value )
getValues() : any[];

/// returns all records in table.
all() : RecordModel[];

/// returns all records matching a given filter.
filter( predicate: ( record: RecordModel ) => boolean ) : RecordModel[];

/// returns a single record by id.
get( id:string|number ) : RecordModel;

/// returns a single record by id. null if not found.
getOrDefault(id: number | string) : RecordModel | null;

/// checks whether a record exists.
exists(id: number | string) : bool;

/// inserts one or more records.
/// returns the first inserted record.
insert( data: any ) : RecordModel;

/// inserts one or more records.
/// returns the inserted records.
insertMany( data: any ) : RecordModel[];

/// updates one or more records.
/// returns the first updated record.
update( data: any ) : RecordModel;

/// updates one or more records.
/// returns the updated records.
updateMany( data: any ) : RecordModel[];

/// upserts one or more records.
/// returns the first upserted record.
upsert( data: any ) : RecordModel;

/// deletes a single record by it's primary key.
delete( id: string ) : boolean;

/// deletes all records in table.
deleteAll() : void;

/// get a single record value
value( id:number | string ) : any | undefined;


The update/insert/upsert operations accepts nested data and will be normalized according to your schema definition. The normalized relations will also be updated/inserted to its respective tables.


The RecordModel class wraps an table row and provides methods and propertes for the given row/entity.

Methods and propertes:

/// gets the record primary key value
id: string;

/// gets the raw record value
value : any;

/// updates the record with new data.
update( data: any ) : this;

/// deletes the record
delete() : void;

In addition to the methods and propertes defined above, the RecordModel class will also contain properties for accessing foreign relations. Given the following schema:

    "Table1" : {
        "id": { type: "PK" }
    "Table2" : {
        "id": { type: "PK" },
        "ref": { references: "Table1", relationName: "rels" }

The Record class for “Table1” will contain a property “rels” of type RecordSetModel. The RecordSetModel wraps all records in “Table2” relating to “Table1” by its PK. The Record class for “Table2” will contain a property named “ref” which holds a Record of “Table1”.

Table1.insert( {
    id: 1,
    body: "some text"
Table2.insert( [
    { id: 1, ref: 1 },
    { id: 2, ref: 1 },
    { id: 3, ref: 2 }

const table1Record = Table1.get( 1 );

// table1Record will have the property "rels"

// the rels property is a RecordSet of Records from "Table2"
/* table1Record.rels.value => [
    { id: 1, ref: 1 },
    { id: 2, ref: 1 }
]; */

// Table2 records has the "ref" property.
Table2.get(1).ref.value.body === "some text";


// Since we have defined the relationName "rels" on the "Table2.ref" field, the following insert is equivalent to the first two.
    id: 1,
    body: "some text",
    rels: [
        { id: 1, ref: 1 },
        { id: 2, ref: 1 },
        { id: 3, ref: 2 }


The RecordSetModel class wraps a relation between two tables.

Methods and propertes:

/// gets the primary keys of the records in the set.
ids : string[];

/// gets the raw array of record values.
value : any[];

/// gets the number of records in the set.
length : number;

/// returns all records in the set.
all() : RecordModel[];

/// updates the records with new data.
update( data: any ) : this;

/// deletes all records in the set.
delete() : void;